Regular Sunday Services
Our Sunday services are devoted to regular Bible preaching and teaching. We emphasize expository preaching (see our Preaching Philosophy pages) and are usually occupied with at least one major expositional series.
Currently, our main preaching series is taking us through the book of Acts, the New Testament book explaining the beginnings of the church and its expansion from Jerusalem to Rome.
Bible Study and Sunday School
Each Sunday morning following our Worship service, we have a session of Bible study for our adults and teens. Our format is less formal and more participatory. We are systematically working through topics for Christian thinking and living.
Our little children are engaged in our morning sessions with Junior Church and Sunday School. We especially want to introduce them to the themes of the Bible and train them in understanding Bible truths at a level geared to them. Our current Sunday School is quite small, which means lots of individual attention for our little ones!
Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
- We meet every Wednesday evening in a much less formal gathering for Bible study and prayer.
Prayer is vital for every church. Wednesday evening is the main opportunity for our people to share prayer requests. We always include a session of prayer in these meetings to bring our requests directly to the Lord.
Building Body Relationships
Sunday Lunch – a family affair
Our Sunday schedule is designed so that we finish our day in the afternoon instead of returning for an evening service. To accommodate our early departure, we have lunch together every week. Our ladies bring a bit of something for lunch – we always seem to have something left over, so come join us! Baptists don’t have sacraments, but there does seem to be a great blessing in store for us as we fellowship together over food!
Annual banquets and fellowships
Summer Picnic – our schedule has varied over the last few years, but we like to plan for an annual summer picnic, often near or on Canada Day. The more kids we can gather, the better it is with old fashioned sack races and similar games.
New Years Eve Fellowship – the last night of the year is our night for food, games, and fellowship. We always include Sjoul Bak, a Dutch game that we call “Dutch Shuffleboard”. You can see some pictures of this in our Photo Gallery. In addition, there are many other favourite table games that make the night a long time tradition in our assembly.
We believe that every church, no matter how small, should support missions. Our church sets aside 10% of our giving for missions. Currently we support the following missionaries:
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In addition to these missionaries, we also make it our habit to regularly pray for these missionary families:
- Bro. Ganpurev, and the church in Ulaan Bator, Mongolia
More Information
For more information about our ministry, you may contact us by e-mailing Pastor Don. For contact by regular mail or telephone please see our Contact Us page.