Rm 4.11-12 Our verses today are quite complicated – a sentence explaining the significance of Abraham’s circumcision and its blessing and example for those of us who follow him today. Read the notes while you listen. … [Read more...] about What Means This Sign? [Romans]
Beloved Beware [Christian Growth]
2 Pt 3.17-18 Beloved, beware lest you be led away … Beloved beware for yourself. As we consider our Christian growth, we have to be aware and beware that the truth can be ‘put on the rack, and twisted’. Since this is true, we need to be aware and beware of movements in the church that would drag us away from truth and make us spiritually unstable. Instead, may we grow in … [Read more...] about Beloved Beware [Christian Growth]
Facets of Man (4) [Basic Theology]
Today we finish this chapter of Ryrie’s Basic Theology. The lesson today is on the Mind and the Flesh, two aspects of our inner nature. As we bring the lesson to a conclusion, we get a mini-sermon on the new life in the Spirit vs. the old life of the flesh. A victorious inner life comes by a life walking ‘in the Spirit’. By this life we overcome the flesh. Read the notes … [Read more...] about Facets of Man (4) [Basic Theology]
Faith before Ritual [Romans]
Rm 4.9-10 Paul’s exposition of Gen 15.6 turns from justification by faith without works to justification by faith without circumcision. This argument is particularly devastating to the ritual-dependent nature of Judaism (and of Judaizers, see Galatians). The argument devastates the ritual-dependent misunderstanding of the Gospel by churches and Christians that practice … [Read more...] about Faith before Ritual [Romans]
Beloved Be Diligent [Christian Growth]
2 Pt 3.14 “Beloved be diligent … of your Christian walk” – that is the theme of our message today. As we have been considering the ‘beloved be’s of 2 Peter 3’ we have seen the call to be mindful of the word so that we will not be ignorant of God, with the result that we will be diligent in our Christian walk, energetically pursuing holiness and godliness because the day of … [Read more...] about Beloved Be Diligent [Christian Growth]