Rm 4.18-22 Our passage describes in very careful detail what made up Abraham’s faith, both in how it looked beyond the reality of Abraham’s physical circumstance and how it relied unwaveringly on the promise and word of the Living God. Saving faith parallels Abraham’s faith exactly, and it is this faith that is counted as righteousness by the One who Judges all … [Read more...] about Abraham’s Faith Described [Romans]
The Death Penalty [Communion, Leviticus]
Lev 20 Today we look at Leviticus 20, a compendium of laws against idolatry and immorality where the dominant theme is the death penalty. As we consider these laws and God’s view of sin, we realize that Christ and his death on the cross become the death of all sin and open the door for even sinners such as those condemned by Lev 20 to find cleansing, sanctification, and … [Read more...] about The Death Penalty [Communion, Leviticus]
Christ’s Teaching Concerning Sin (1) [Basic Theology]
In this lesson, we look at some of Christ’s specific and pointed teaching concerning sin. Most of our time involved a look at the Lord’s rebuke of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in Mt 23. We also considered the Lord’s rebuke of sacrilege in the second cleansing of the temple in Mk 11. Read the notes while you listen. … [Read more...] about Christ’s Teaching Concerning Sin (1) [Basic Theology]
How is Abraham our Father? [Romans]
Rm 4.16-17 One of the themes of Romans 4 is Abraham as the father of the faithful. Today we embark on a section of the chapter that highlights the fatherhood of Abraham as the head of a column relying on the sure promise of God. Abraham viewed God as one who could bring life from the dead and the NT believer does also. Abraham viewed God as one who could call things that are … [Read more...] about How is Abraham our Father? [Romans]
Special Meetings Summary
Catching up on our special meetings from Aug 31 to Sept 2 with evangelist Barry Webb, we offer the three messages preached on those evenings. Aug 31 – There Came a Leper Unto Him Sept 1 – Ye Must be Born Again Sept 2 – Your Life is a Vapour … [Read more...] about Special Meetings Summary