Satan's World In which we take our final look at the doctrine of Satan, the adversary of man. In this lesson, we consider the teaching of Bible meaning of the term 'world', the authority of Satan in that world, God's plan for the world, and the Christian's place in the world. Read the notes while you listen. … [Read more...] about 7.20.08 Study – Adversary
7.20.08 AM – Romans
Given over to a Depraved Mind (Rm 1.28-31) a 'bouquet' of spiritual weeds The consequences of human rejection of God includes the sins of inhumanity towards men - a whole plethora of wickedness, self-will, envy, pride, wholly lacking in any good thing. The root of these sins is idolatry, as in the sins of sensuality previously covered. The man who will not approve of God is … [Read more...] about 7.20.08 AM – Romans
7.13.08 PM – Prayer
A Saving Prayer (Lk 18.9-14) To me, this is one of the most convicting passages of Scripture, the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. We are very familiar with this story, and we tend to think of ourselves as this publican. After all, we aren't like the Pharisee: proud, arrogant, self-sufficient... No we are much more like the Publican, and we are grateful to God that we … [Read more...] about 7.13.08 PM – Prayer
7.13.08 Study – Adversary
The Activities of Satan (2) In which we conclude our look at what Satan does, this time in relation to the Nations, to the Unbeliever, and to the Believer. Satan is active in deception, no matter who is his target. He attempts to lead men into cooperation with his agenda (at least) or even into adoption of his goals and priorities. Read the notes while you listen. … [Read more...] about 7.13.08 Study – Adversary
7.13.08 AM – Romans
Given over to Degrading Passions (Rm 1.26-27) We come to a difficult passage in the revelation of God's wrath against ungodliness ... not difficult to understand, but difficult to preach in our current antagonistic culture. The manifestation of God's wrath in this case takes the form of degrading passions. The prevalence of these passions flaunted in public today are evidence … [Read more...] about 7.13.08 AM – Romans