Destinies of Men (Rm 2.6-10) Our message today looks at the chiastic structure of Rm 2.7-10, which reveals the two destinies of men: eternal life or wrath and indignation, but puts the focus on the destiny of those who do evil: wrath, indignation, tribulation and anguish. The moral man must become aware of this, God's special revelation to him. The moral man (the man who … [Read more...] about 8.24.08 AM – Destinies of Men (Romans)
8.17.08 PM – Prayer
Father, save me from this hour (Jn 12.27-28) Our Lord's prayer on this occasion is an example for us of following the Father's will. The prayer of our title is not the prayer the Lord prayed. Rather, he prayed that the Father would glorify His name. There was much for the Lord to feel apprehensive about the Father's will, but his resolution to follow it is the driving force of … [Read more...] about 8.17.08 PM – Prayer
8.17.08 Study
The Nature of Demons In which we consider the personality, intelligence [and strategems], morality, and powers of Satan's demons. Our study of these creatures is as a matter of considering the whole counsel of scriptures. We want to understand the Bible, not be obsessed with demonology. Read the notes as you listen. … [Read more...] about 8.17.08 Study
8.17.08 AM – Romans
The Moral Man's Treasure (Rm 2.2-5) Paul continues to dismantle the justifications of the moral man by noting his agreement that God's judgement is according to righteousness, but then asking, if that is so, how the moral man presumes to escape God's judgement. Or, if that is not enough, does the moral man despise God's goodness and forbearance, presuming it means he has … [Read more...] about 8.17.08 AM – Romans
8.10.08 – Prayer
Son of David, Have Mercy (Lk 18.35-43) In our series looking at prayers to Jesus, prayers of Jesus, or mentions of prayer connected with Jesus, we come now to the prayer of the blind Bartimaeus, calling on the Son of David for mercy. The Lord says that his faith saved him. We connect this with C. H. Spurgeon's testimony of salvation from his autobiography - a conversion that … [Read more...] about 8.10.08 – Prayer