Rm 4.1-3 The great doctrine of Roman's is justification by faith. Today, we see Abraham’s testimony proving Paul’s proposition: the just shall live by faith alone. Abraham is the key example because of his position in the Scriptures and in the minds of the Jews. We see his testimony, and it settles the question. There is only one means by which a man may be justified, … [Read more...] about What about Abraham? [Romans]
The Life is in the Blood [Leviticus, Communion]
Lev 17.1-16 We discover in this chapter, the Levitical laws of blood, a universal truth expressed in laws applied to several different dispensations – first under Noah, here in Leviticus under Moses, and last in the book of Acts under the Apostles. This universal truth is the notion of life being in the blood, which makes it possible for a bloody death to function as a … [Read more...] about The Life is in the Blood [Leviticus, Communion]
Evangelizing Children (3) [Christian Home]
For our Bible Study session, we begin a discussion on the subject of Evangelizing Children. We are basing it on an article published by Grace Community Church of Sun Valley, CA. We have certain distinct differences with this ministry, but nevertheless find the materials they produce and the preaching ministry of their pastor, John MacArthur to be very beneficial. The third … [Read more...] about Evangelizing Children (3) [Christian Home]
God’s Law Established [Romans]
Rm 3.31 Justification has this advantage, it establishes law. The great fear of Apostolic Age Judaizers was that Gentiles + justification by faith = chaos of people claiming to be believers but living lawless lives. Of course, by lawless, they meant ‘without the Mosaic law.’ The truth is that faith agrees with the Law’s demands, its verdict, and its penalty, but it sees the … [Read more...] about God’s Law Established [Romans]
Walking by This Rule [Galatians]
Gal 5.15-6.16 With this message we conclude our look at the Christian and his relationship to the flesh and the world. The thrust of this message is to describe what the Spirit-walk looks like. Essentially, the life lived in the Spirit is a life lived in service to others and in submission to the Word through the teaching of godly teachers. This is contrary to the way the … [Read more...] about Walking by This Rule [Galatians]