Tom Nieman
Isa 6
Our speaker for Thanksgiving Day (Monday, Oct 11) is pastor Tom Nieman, retired pastor of Galilee Baptist Church in Kent, WA. He preached two messages for us this morning as well.
Pastor Nieman’s first message comes to us from Isaiah 6, a passage in which we find Isaiah’s motivation for enduring in the ministry in the midst of a people whose hearts were far from God. Isaiah’s day was not unlike our day. Our motivation needs to come from the same kind of vision of God that Isaiah had. Our God is over all, evil shall not triumph in this world.
Thank you for putting the Isaiah 6 sermon from Pastor Tom Nieman on your website. It was just what my mom and I needed to hear. We are having very sad times here in Washington state where we live. Four police officers were killed in a coffee shop a week ago by an evil man near where we live. It is so good to hear that even in this, that God is high and lifted up! He is the LORD of Hosts and He reigns and He is just. God bless you church and the ministry of Pastor Nieman and his wife Marilyn. :)
Thanks for the comment. The world is a terrible place, but the Lord is on the throne and coming again!
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3